Blogger says what?

1 minute read

So as part of this program I’m taking I’m supposed to have been writing blog posts about my projects. Never having blogged before and coming from the corporate world I just assumed that meant to document my work.

Then I read someone else’s blog from the class and realized that I had it all wrong.

I mean, I’m still happy to have put the posts up that were my project write-ups. I like writing about things way way way more than I like writing about myself.

Introspection. :::shudder:::

So while I’m not going to spend a lot of time looking back I have a better understanding of what it is I’m supposed to be doing here.

Okay, maybe not so much introspection–no one needs to know what’s going on in my head!

I’ll say this, though. That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. This class is really eager to kill me, but I know that I’ll get through it and then…well, you know what happens then.

Until then, though, I’m going to embrace the firehose of information coming at me. Every once in a while when I’m not thinking too hard about it I explain something to somebody and it blows me away that I have really actually picked things up.

I’m solid on the concepts. The coding…well, that’s where I’ve got to work, but I have faith that it will all fall into place.
